Recommendations on The Choice of PCT After a Cycle of Testosterone

To obtain the maximum possible efficiency from testosterone and to minimize possible complications against the background of its administration, it is not enough to develop a cycle use plan. It is advisable to supplement the PCT with auxiliary means. Some drugs must be combined with steroid substances, and the others start after the completion of the entire cycle.

In our article, we will present in detail the basics and recommendations that will help to choose the right post-cycle therapy (PCT) and offer the most effective means.

The content of the article:

  1. Tasks of post-cycle therapy.
  2. Causes of muscle loss.
  3. Restoring hormonal balance.
  4. Healthy lifestyle.
  5. Testosterone PCT Drugs list:

Objectives of Post-Cycle Therapy

post cycle therapyRecovery of the body after a testosterone cycle has the following objectives:

  • minimizing unwanted effects;
  • reducing the risk of possible consequences;
  • achieving maximum performance from steroid hormone.

The complex therapy includes tools that are aimed at solving important problems:

  • prevention of feminization – the appearance of male female sexual characteristics in men;
  • prevention of atrophic changes in the testes and oligospermia (decreased sperm volume);
  • restoration of hormonal levels;
  • warning of possible rollback.

Causes of Muscle Loss

Rollback is a phenomenon in which muscle mass is lost after a steroid cycle. This phenomenon can last for 30 days, but at the same time, the rate of rollback increases if the maintenance program is illiterate or testosterone is taken in large doses.

See info about individual chooses PCT

It is worth noting that a decrease in muscle mass is expected by each athlete. Improved muscle trophies during the training period due to the increase in muscle fibers and an increase in their thickness. The use of anabolic steroids significantly accelerates this process, which results in an increase in muscle mass and strength characteristics.

IMPORTANT! After testosterone exposure, the muscle fibers begin to contract in volume, which is reflected in the muscles.

Restoration of Hormonal Balance is the main idea of Testosterone Post Cycle Therapy

To reduce the possible muscle loss after stopping testosterone, it is necessary to normalize the hormones, in particular the level of male hormones. That is why the main therapeutic task is to restore the secretion of endogenous testosterone.

First of all, wait a while until the complete disintegration. As a rule, exogenous testosterone is destroyed within 14-21 days.

The second, no less important, direction is considered to be the effective reduction of female hormones, the level of which increases when taking anabolic steroids. In men, testosterone and estrogen are generally in equilibrium, so their balance is important to return to normal.

Healthy Lifestyle

Perhaps the leading role for the rehabilitation of hormonal levels after the testosterone cycle is played by lifestyle. To restore the functional activity of the endocrine organs it is necessary to:

  • eliminate harmful habits (alcohol, tobacco and other addictions);
  • give preference to a balanced and consistent diet;
  • to live an active lifestyle.

Alcohol abuse leads to suppression of the pituitary activity and function of the hypothalamus, which inhibits testosterone exchange and causes damage to spermatozoa.

Tobacco smoking significantly reduces the synthesis of sex hormones, the mobility and ability to fertilize male germ cells.

The correct approach to nutrition improves metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the hormonal sphere and sperm synthesis. In order to accelerate spermatogenesis, it is recommended to consume protein in the daily diet.

The daily menu should be supplemented and diversified:

  • chicken breast and lean ground turkey;
  • lean ground beef and rabbit meat;
  • marine fish species;
  • seafood.

Immediately after the testosterone cycle, regular workouts on a daily, consistent regimen are helpful in order to eliminate possible overwork. In addition to exercises for strength training, you must incorporate cardio into your workout, for example swimming, cycling, walking/or jogging (just to name a few).

Testosterone PCT Drugs list

Maintaining a correct lifestyle implies a positive effect on the organism as a whole and maximum effectiveness from the use of steroid preparations.

Antiestrogenic Drugs

antiestrogenic drugsThis group of funds include: clomifen, toremifene and tamoxifen. Tamoxifen, which is freely sold through the pharmacy chain at an affordable price, shows the greatest efficiency. The effect of this condition is associated with the effect on the receptor apparatus of estrogens, after which they decrease, testosterone synthesis is naturally restored.

Principles of using tamoxifen in combination with aromatase blockers:

  • The tool is introduced 7 days before the end of the full cycle.
  • Therapeutic cycle is 21 days.
  • The optimal daily dose is 15 mg.

If the drugs blocking aromatase are not used, then tamoxifen is used after 7 days from the start of testosterone administration and is stopped to be administered 14 days after the end of the cycle.

Testosterone Boosters

Boosters are biologically active compounds that contain vitamins and substances of plant origin. They restore the balance of hormones at the physiological level and at the same time stimulate the production of testosterone naturally. You can purchase boosters in specialized stores of sports nutrition and in the pharmacy chain.

Tribulus terrestris is the booster component, differing in the greatest effect. It is obtained by drawing from a plant with the same name. It is useful to introduce a supplement based on this compound after 21 days after the end of the cycle. It should be noted that the booster works exclusively during the administration period, since after its use has ceased, its positive effect is reduced to zero.

Cortisol Inhibitors

As cortisol blockers, special supplements are used to suppress the massive breakdown of complex compounds and prevent the damaging effects on muscle fibers.

This category of supplement includes:

  • protein;
  • BCAA;
  • ascorbic acid.

They are prescribed after completing the testos of the Theronian Cycle and continue to take 21-28 days.

Growth Hormone

The consumption of growth hormone as a post-cycle effect makes it possible to maintain the resulting increase in muscle mass. Against the background of this tool, the muscle relief improves, the probability of developing cardiovascular pathology, depressive states and anxiety syndrome decreases.

Somatotropic hormone is sold in powder form, which is pre-dissolved in water for injection. The resulting composition is injected strictly under the skin 1 time per day. For proper injections, it is necessary to form a skin fold on the surface of the willow and make an injection at an acute angle (45 degrees).


Taking omega-3, the body gets the optimal amount of fatty acids. Against the background of this complex, the cardiovascular system comes under protection – cholesterol and blood lipid composition normalize. It is advisable to use after the testosterone cycle as an aid. But it is recommended to enter in combination with the hormone, and then continue to receive another 14 days after the end of the cycle therapy.


peptidesPeptides affect organisms, like somatotropin. They prevent muscle loss, have a beneficial effect on the myocardium and vascular walls, eliminate the causes of anxiety and possible depression. Thus, due to the stimulation of the synthesis of somatotropin, the restoration of organism as a whole takes place.

These compounds are used in combination with steroid agents, and subsequently complement the post-cycle recovery. The duration of use of protein supplements may vary and be 7-28 days.

IMPORTANT! GHRP-2 and GHRP-6 should not be used as adjuvants because they are stimulants of the prolactin and cortisol synthesis. For PCT, it is advisable to prescribe ipamorelin at a dosage of 1 μg /kg body weight.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

Gonadotropin of chorionic origin prevents the development of atrophy in the testicles, undesirable effects (against the background of testosterone) and leaves muscle volume intact. That is why it is used in parallel with the testosterone cycle for muscle growth and as a part of PCT.

HCG is administered by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection, after having dissolved the powder form in injection water or saline solution. The effect of gonadotropin lasts up to 6 days, and its half-life averages 6 hours.

PCT implies the use of medicinal substances and dietary supplements to obtain the maximum result from testosterone cycles and prevent undesirable effects. Favorable outcomes, namely the smallest neck lung loss after stopping the intake of anabolic steroids, contributes to healthy lifestyles.

Thanks to a rational approach to the therapeutic cycle, which is based on the use of testosterone, and its proper maintenance, you can achieve high results and keep them for a long time.

Check out our selection of Testosterone Propionate